Wallball Speedball

How to Play

Each student starts with three lives.

The children catch the ball, then throw it against the floor and wall.

The aim of the game is to hit the ball against the wall.

Server student 1. first hits the ball forward and down so that it hits the ground and bounces up to hit the wall.

If it bounces on the ground more than once or doesn't bounce on the ground before it hits the wall, it is considered out and they lose a life. After hitting the ball against the wall, the ball bounces back, and the next person, student 2. does the same thing.

If the ball bounces more than once before the second player catches the ball, the second person loses a life. Catching the ball before it bounces is allowed after the first person hits the ball.

If the ball bounces out of bounds at any time, it is considered out. If it hits the line, it is considered in.

The game continues with students 3. & 4. then back to 1. doing the same.

The goal is to be the last person left with a life.


You can play immediate elimination, where students have only one life.

If the students become proficient at hitting the ball instead of catching it, you can allow them to spike the ball against the floor & wall.

The Game Encourages

  • Participation

  • Physical Activity

  • Ball Eye Coordination

Set-Up & Equipment

  • 3+ students

  • A 10’ Wall Ball

  • A wall


Jedi Dodgeball


Alien Splat