Alien Splat


Set out an area. Depending on the number of participants, select several students to be the Aliens.

Explain the Aliens have come to earth, and they are going to splat the earth students by throwing a pinnie at them.

Review the safety rules on throwing the pinnies at the body, not the head.

How to Play

The game's objective is for the Alien students to throw a pinnie and splat the other students.

When they get hit by the pinnie, they are frozen in Alien goo.

The student then must do x10 star jumps or other physical exercises to become unfrozen.

The Alien then runs back to the spaceship to get another pinnie. Once all the pennies are gone from the spaceship, the game is over. Or the Aliens can continue by picking pinnies up from the floor to continue.


You can play that the earth students can unfreeze their friends by tapping them on the shoulder or running under their arms.

You can play for a time limit or when the pinnies have been used from within the spaceship.

The Game Encourages

  • Participation

  • Physical Activity

  • Communication

Set-Up & Equipment

  • 8+ students

  • A set of 10-12 pinnies

  • Comes & Domes


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