Red Light, Green Light!


Set up cones in a line for students to begin from (starting line) and a finish line around 40-50 yards away.

The instructor calls out “Green Light,” meaning the students can walk, scurry, speed walk, etc., from the starting line to the finish line.

TIP: tell students not to run and practice self-control by not running, pushing, etc. speed walking is acceptable.

How to Play

All students stand behind the start line. The instructor is over past the finish line.

  • The instructor yells, “Green Light!” Students begin making their way across the field toward the finish line.

  • The instructor yells, “Red Light!” - all students must freeze in place

  • The instructor yells “Green Light” and “Red Light” in different increments.

  • The first student across the finish line wins!

If students continue to move when the instructor yells “Red Light,” they must return to the starting line.


The instructor can introduce “Yellow Light!” meaning students must move in slow motion! 

Squid Games Edition:  In addition, the instructor can assign one student to be the caller, and the instructor MUST  play with the rest of the students. The instructor has to be vigilant at all times.

The caller student can have their back turned, yell “green light,” and students begin making their way.

The caller yells “red light” and simultaneously turns around. If the caller catches anyone moving after turning around, those students are out.

The game continues until everyone is either out and/or across the finish line.

The Game Encourages

  • Participation

  • Physical activity

  • Movement, agility, and reaction        

  • Group activity

Set-Up & Equipment

  • x8/10 Cones




Star Wars Stick (Jedi Training)