

Firstly, emphasize self-control when throwing the ball. Emphasizing not hitting anyone in the face, neck, etc., and not throwing incredibly hard.

In a large square or circle, create two teams. One team stands within the area and one team around the perimeter.

The team outside the area throws their soft dodgeballs (or meteors) at the students on the inside. Whoever gets hit is out.

Once everyone on the perimeter team throws their ball, the number of students on the inside team is the number of points that the team got that round.

Then they switch.

How to Play

Have students divided into two teams, A and B

  • Students from team A start inside the shape, while Team B is around the perimeter, and each student on team B with one ball.

  • Team B throws the meteors to try and get members of team A out

    • Each person on team A hit with a ball is out. They exit the area and stand aside.

    • Each person not hit remains in the area until everyone has thrown their ball or meteor.

  • Once all balls have been thrown, the number of students remaining in the area is the number of points Team A gets.

  • Then, the teams switch, with B now inside and A outside with the meteors. 

  • Do as many rounds as you want, with someone keeping the score of the points for each team.

  • Whichever team has more points after all rounds are played, wins.


Add a “moon” in the middle, a board, a trash can, etc., for meteors to bounce off of. Or designate the students in the area to be planets. Each planet is worth a certain amount of points, e.g., Earth = 3 points, Pluto = 2 points.

The Game Encourages

  • Participation

  • Physical activity

  • Movement, agility, and reaction        

  • Group activity

Set-Up & Equipment

  • x8/10 Cones

  • Soft balls for throwing

  • Bibs or pennies for the teams if needed


Ring Around The Roses (Hoola Hoop Challenge)


Red Light, Green Light!