Galaxy Cornhole


  • Students attempt to get as many points as possible by launching their shooting stars into the moon craters


  • Use a spacious area on the blacktop

  • Create multiple lines of hoops

  • Line up 4 hula hoops 5-10 yards from the baseline

  • Split into 2-3 even teams and form a line in between their starting cones

  • Pile bean bags with scarves wrapped around them (shooting stars) in between teams. If there are no scarves, just use bean bags and call them meteors

How to Play:

Start: The first person will run around the far cone behind the hula hoop and grab a shooting star (bean bag) when returning to the start.

  1. They will then toss the bean bag into any hoop of their choice.

  2. If they make it into a hoop, the bean bag stays in the hoop, and the next person in line is free to run around the cone and grab a bean bag from the pile before shooting.

  3. If they miss, the next person must grab the bean bag they missed and round around the cone before taking their shot.

  4. The closest hula hoop will count as one point, the second hula hoop is 2 points, the third hula hoop is 3 points, and the last hula hoop is 4 points

  5. Have the game run for 3-4 minutes or until all the shooting stars are gone


  1. Have students shoot with their other hand.

  2. Have students bunny-hop around the cones instead of running.

  3. Introduce a “meteor” ball that counts as extra points.

The Game Encourages

  • This game promotes accuracy and cooperation to maximize opportunities.

  • Competitive and cooperative game.


  • 8+ hula hoops

  • 6+ Bean bags

  • Cones

  • 6+ players

This game was designed and developed by Coach Maximo.


Groundhog Day


Bowser’s Castle