Doggy ‘Where’s My Bone’


  • The "doggy" player tries to guess who has the hidden "bone" while other players pass it around discreetly.


  • Doggy: One player is chosen to be the "doggy" and sits in the center of a circle or designated spot.

  • The Bone: A small object is used as the "bone" and is hidden behind the doggy without them seeing.

  • Circle: The remaining players form a circle around the doggy.

How to Play:

  1. The Chant: Players in the circle chant together:

    "Doggy, doggy, where's your bone? Somebody's taken it from your home!"

  2. Passing the Bone: While chanting, the players in the circle pass the bone behind their backs, trying to keep its location hidden.

  3. The Guess: As the chant ends, the doggy opens their eyes and tries to guess who has the bone.

  4. Revealing: The doggy points to a player. The chosen player shows their hands to reveal if they have the bone.

  5. New Doggy:

    • If the doggy guesses correctly, the player with the bone becomes the new doggy.

    • If the doggy guesses incorrectly, they remain the doggy for another round.

  6. Continue Play: The game continues with players taking turns being the doggy.


  • Add Clues: If the doggy is having trouble, other players can offer subtle clues (without directly revealing the bone's location).

  • Multiple Bones: For a more challenging game, use multiple "bones" and have the doggy guess who has any of them.

Additional Notes:

  • Quiet Passing: Encourage players to pass the bone quietly to maintain the element of surprise.

  • Fairness: Ensure everyone gets a turn to be the doggy.

  • Fun for All: This game is a great way for young children to develop social skills, observation, and memory while having fun.

The Game Encourages

  • Agility

  • Coordination

  • Focus

  • Listening skills


  • 5+ students

  • Jenga Block/Bean Bag/Bib


Cats & Mice 2.0


Bean Bag Memory Game