Bean Bag Memory Game


  • Teams compete to find and collect the most bean bags hidden under cones.

  • Players must rely on their memory to avoid checking cones that have already been revealed.


  • Playing Area: A spacious, open indoor or outdoor area.

  • Teams: Divide players into 2 or more teams (3-5 players per team is ideal).

  • Equipment:

    • 12-20 cones

    • One bean bag per cone (use different colors or types for variety)

How to Play:

  1. Cone Placement: Arrange the cones in a grid or scattered pattern across the playing area. Place one bean bag under each cone.

  2. Starting Positions: Each team designates a starting area away from the cones.

  3. Turns:

    • Teams take turns sending one player at a time to search for bean bags.

    • The player chooses a cone, lifts it, and checks for a bean bag.

    • If they find a bean bag, they take the bean bag back to their team's area.

    • If they don't find a bean bag, they replace the cone in the same spot.

  4. Memory is Key:

    • Players must remember which cones have already been checked (and whether they contained bean bags).

    • They cannot communicate specific cone locations to their teammates until their turn is over.

    • Encourage the use of simple memory aids like counting the cones they've checked.

  5. Winning:

    • The game ends when all bean bags are found or a time limit is reached (e.g., 10-15 minutes).

    • The team with the most bean bags wins!

Additional Notes:

  • Safety First: Make sure the playing area is clear of any hazards.

  • Fair Play: Emphasize that players should not interfere with other teams or peek under cones.

  • Focus on Fun: This game is a great way to promote teamwork, memory skills, and friendly competition. Enjoy!


  • Timed Turns: Set a time limit for each player's turn to create urgency.

  • Obstacle Course: Create an obstacle course that players must navigate before reaching the cones.

  • Team Collaboration: After each round, allow teams a brief discussion time to share their findings and strategize.

The Game Encourages

  • Participation & Physical Activity

  • Memory

  • Honesty

  • Fun, Friendly Competition

Set-Up & Equipment

  • 4+ students

  • Cones or domes

  • Bean Bags or assorted items to go under the cones


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