Cats N Mice
Place hula hoops in a game space that is coned or chalked out.
Before you start identify the game boundaries. Inform students that the hula hoops may not move from their spots. Provide an example of the game.
Demonstrate safe tagging:
Light touch, like butterfly wings on the shoulder
Unsafe tags: hard contact that might cause the person being tagged to fall
Identify five students to be cats (or one cat for every four mice).
How to Play
The 'mice' students run around the area and try to stay away from the 'cat' students.
Mice can stand inside a hula hoop. The hoops are their safe zone and are called mouse holes. A mouse can stay in the hole for up to 5 seconds, then MUST leave the hoop.
If a mouse gets tagged, they become the cat, and the cat will get to be a mouse.
If tagged, the mice must wait outside the area until all the mice get tagged or a time has elapsed.
The Game Encourages
Physical Activity
Fun, Friendly Competition
Teamwork & Communication
Balance, Movement & Quick Reflexes
Set-Up & Equipment
8 to 20 students
5+ hoops
Cones, Domes or Chalk