Boink Ball


  • Be the first team to "boink" the powerball to the opposing team's base.


  • Playing Area: Divide the playing area (gym, blacktop, etc.) into two halves using cones or a line.

  • Bases: Mark a base at each end of the playing area using cones.

  • Teams: Divide the players into two teams. Each team starts in its base.

  • Equipment: Place the "Powerball" (volleyball, 4-square ball, soccer ball, etc.) in the center of the playing area. Provide each player with a dodgeball.

How to Play:

Start: On the signal, players throw dodgeballs at the Powerball to propel it toward the opposing team's base.

After throwing the dodgeballs, they can collect one from wherever it may be and then return to their base before they are allowed to throw it at the Powerball.

  1. Boink: Players must work together to strategically "boink" the Powerball with their dodgeballs.

  2. Scoring: The first team to hit the Powerball so that it touches the opponent's base wins the round.

  3. Reset: After each round, return the Powerball to the center and begin a new round.


  1. Increase Difficulty: Increase the distance between the bases.

  2. Add Players: Increase the number of players on each team.

  3. Introduce Obstacles: Add obstacles to the playing area (cones, bibs, etc.)

  4. Multiple Powerballs: Use two or more Powerballs to increase the challenge.

  5. Different Balls: Experiment with different dodgeballs or Powerballs (e.g., lighter balls, heavier balls).

  6. Time Limit: Set a time limit for each round.

Additional Notes:

  • Safety First: Emphasize no physical contact with other players.

  • Boundaries: Players cannot cross into the opponent's half.

The Game Encourages

  • Teamwork: Players must cooperate to move the Powerball.

  • Strategy: Teams need to develop strategies to outmaneuver their opponents.

  • Hand-Eye Coordination: Throwing and aiming at a moving target develops hand-eye coordination.

  • Gross Motor Skills: Throwing, running, and dodging enhance gross motor skills.

  • Problem-Solving: Players must adapt to the changing dynamics of the game.

  • Sportsmanship: Reinforce the importance of fair play and following the rules.


  • 4+ students

  • Cones, dodgeballs, Powerball

This game was designed and developed by Coach Maximo.


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