Basketball Numbers


Use a basketball court. Create two teams.

Give each player a number.

How to Play

  • Line the players up on the sideline.

  • Call out a number for example, ‘Number 3’. Then throw a basketball into the court.

  • The number ‘3’ player from both teams runs into the court creating a one-on-one. They try to get the ball and then attempt to score a basket.

The players can score in either basket and change direction whenever they want to get away from the opposing player.


Once every student has had a number of one-on-ones. Then call out multiple numbers together. Start with two numbers such as, ‘1 & 3’.

Players ‘1 & 3’ from both teams then compete against the opposition players.

Then progress to three or four numbers together, such as ‘2, 4, & 5’.

The Game Encourages

  • Participation & Teamwork

  • Physical Activity

  • Movement, agility, and reaction        

  • Ball-eye coordination

Set-Up & Equipment

  • 6+ students

  • Bibs/Pinnies

  • Basketballs

  • Basketball court


Basketball Relay


Kickball Basketball