Kickball Basketball


Use a basketball court. The fielders stand inside the court. The kickers stand behind the hoop.

Place a cone on three corners of the basketball court. Use a soft bouncy ball, not a basketball.

How to Play

  • The pitcher rolls the ball to the kicker, and the kicker kicks the ball.

  • The kicker has three attempts, like in baseball. They can decide which kick they want to run on.

  • The kicker has to run around three sides of the basketball court.

  • To get the kicker out, the outfield team has to get the ball and make a basket before the kicker runs all the way around to the last cone. They can score in any basket.

  • The next kicker is up after the first kicker is out or scores.

  • If the outfield students catch the ball in the air from the kicker, they are out.


The outfield players can only dribble the ball (bounce it).

You can play a time limit for each team, or play 3 out all out.

The Game Encourages

  • Participation

  • Physical Activity

  • Movement, agility, and reaction        

  • Ball-eye coordination

Set-Up & Equipment

  • 8+ students

  • Cones

  • Ball

  • Basketball court


Basketball Numbers


March Madness Basketball Tournament