Parachute Games


Game 1. Ball Toss

Students stand around holding the parachute, with additional students positioned outside the parachute in space.

Place soft balls into the middle of the parachute. Then get the students to flap the parachute so that the balls get pushed into the air. The students positioned around the outside of the parachute look to catch any of the balls that get pushed towards them.

If they catch a ball, they swap places with the student holding onto the parachute.

Once all the balls have been tossed out of the parachute, collect them all and start again.


Game 2. Sharks N Lifeguards

This is a parachute game in which there are three characters. Swimmers are the players on the outside of the parachute. They will have a parachute up to their waist while lifting and shaking the parachute. #2. Four or five players will be under the parachute.

They are Sharks, and their job is to pull a swimmer under the parachute. Once they pull someone under, they take their place as a swimmer. The lifeguard looks for someone who a shark is attacking. If they save them, then they change places with the swimmer. This is a continuous game if it is played correctly. Once in a while, you will have to reset the game.

Watch the video - CLICK HERE


Six Fun Parachute Activities

Here are 6 fun parachute activities that you can play with your students.

Watch the video - CLICK HERE



The Parachute Encourages

  • Team-work

  • Social skills

  • Catching techniques

Set-Up & Equipment

  • x1 parachute

  • Minimum of 6-10 students

  • x4-5 soft balls


Alien Splat


Cornhole (Hoops)