Square Tag


Use the 4-Square painted area on the back top, chalk, or set up an area with cones on the grass field.

Place hoops or spots in the middle of the square and two in either corner diagonally from each other.

Create two teams who stand diagonally in each corner.

How to Play

On the coach’s command “GO”, one person from each player runs into the middle of the square.

The aim of the game is to put one foot into the middle hoop first, then run to their designated team corner before the opposition player can tag you.

Below the green player gets to the center hoop first, so they must run to their team’s green corner.

The opposition red player can tag the player before they get to the finish hoop. If they tag them they now must turn and run to their red finish hoop.


Players can be clever and be ready not to go into the central hoop first but wait for the opposing player to make a move before tagging them. Then running to their finishing corner.

The Game Encourages

  • Fun Competition

  • Participation & Focus

  • Physical Activity

  • Agility

Set-Up & Equipment

  • 4+ students

  • 3 Hula Hoops or Spots


Virus Tag


Musical Hoops