Sonic The Hedgehog

How To Play

Students place a pinnie/bib into their pants at the back like a tail sticking out. These students are known as Sonic The Hedgehog’s sidekick ‘Tails’.

Select a few students and/or yourself to be ‘Sonic The Hedgehog’.

Sonic runs after his friend Tails and tries to remove his tail. If the tail is removed, roles reverse. The student without the tail goes after other students with tails, and the student who removed the tail places it in their pants.

Play for a time limit. If the student has a tail, they win 1 point.


  1. When a student removes a tail from another student, they have to play ROCK, PAPER, and SCISSORS. Whoever wins takes the bib/pinnie.

  2. Students look to win as many tails as possible. When they remove a tail from other students, they play ROCK, PAPER, and SCISSORS, and whoever wins takes all the bibs/pinnies. Therefore a student who had three bibs/pinnies can then lose a game of rock, paper, and scissors and lose all their bibs/pinnies.

Sonic Encourages

  • Reactions

  • Physical Activity

  • Friendly fun

Set-Up & Equipment

  • Use the flat discs to set up an area

  • Use the pinnies/bibs as tails


Crazy Tag

