Paint Ball

How to Play

Objective: The objective of ‘Paint Ball’ is for students to cross from one side of the designated area to the other without getting hit by the "paint ballers" who will be throwing softballs in an attempt to tag them below the waist.

Equipment Needed: Softballs, designated playing area.

Number of Players: 3-5 paintballers and remaining players as runners.

Game Rules:

  1. Selecting Paint Ballers: Choose 3-5 players to be the paintballers for each game round. The remaining players will be the runners.

  2. Gameplay Area: Mark out a designated playing area where the game will take place.

  3. Game Start: The runners will line up along one side of the playing area, and the paintballers will position themselves in the area.

  4. Crossing the Area: On the signal to start, the runners will attempt to run from one side of the playing area to the other without getting hit by the paintballers. They must avoid getting tagged below the waist by the thrown softballs.

  5. Getting Hit: If a runner gets hit by a softball below the waist, they must freeze in place and put their arms out in a "T" shape (T post) to indicate that they have been tagged.

  6. Unfreezing a Player: A tagged runner can be unfrozen in two ways: a) A teammate can come and tag the frozen player, freeing them to continue running. b) Another teammate can crawl or run under the frozen player's arms, which will also unfreeze them.

  7. New Game: A new game begins once all the runners have been hit. Choose different players to be the paintballers for each new round.

  8. Fair Play: The paintballers must aim to tag the runners below the waist and not throw the softballs too forcefully to ensure a safe and enjoyable game for everyone.

Note: Safety should always be a priority. Ensure that players are aware of the rules and play responsibly. It is advisable to wear appropriate protective gear, such as goggles or masks, during the game.


Players can win extra points by running to the end zone (2) when they want. The fielders can throw the ball at the runners to get them out and stop the team from getting more points.

Once three players are out - all out, and teams change over roles.

The Game Encourages

  • Team Participation & Focus

  • Physical Activity & Running

  • Throwing & Catching

  • Competition

Set-Up & Equipment

  • 10+ students

  • Cones

  • Dodgeballs


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