Olympic Cricket


Set up the “pitcher’s mound” using a flat disc or four cones. 

10 to 15 yards away, place four cones together to make a cricket ‘wicket’ for the kicker to stand in front of. Situate two cones to the left and right of the kicker. Select two teams, with one team scattered throughout the outfield, the others in line to kick.

How to Play

Have students from one team scattered in the outfield

  • Have students from the other team lined up, with one student up to kick.

  • The pitcher rolls the ball to the kicker, and the kicker kicks the ball.

  • The kicker has three attempts, like in baseball. They can decide which kick they want to run on.

  • The kicker then chooses to go to the left or right cone and runs toward it, running around the cone and back to home base.

    • The kicker can choose to run around one or both cones for an additional point

  • The outfield team has to get the ball and throw it or kick it to the pitcher.

  • The Pitcher has to roll the ball and try to knock over the cones ‘wicket’ before the student returns to home base from one or both cones

  • If the cones are knocked over by the ball, the kicker is “out”

  • The next kicker is up after the first kicker is out or scores

  • If the outfield students catch the ball in the air from the kicker, they are out.


You can either play three out all out and change outfield to kickers or play all out before you change.

Or you can play for 5 minutes, then switch the batters and outfield students.

The Game Encourages

  • Participation

  • Physical Activiity

  • Movement, agility, and reaction        

  • Accountability

  • Self Control

  • Ball-eye coordination

Set-Up & Equipment

  • 8+ students

  • Flat discs  & Cones

  • Ball


Five Alive


Olympic Basketball 3v3