Floor is Lava 2.0


This is essentially the Glass Bridge game from Squid Games (without the pushing and fighting). Set up two rows of colored flat discs, roughly 4-6 discs long.

The instructor will select which of the discs in each row will be UNSAFE “bad” discs and which will be SAFE “good” discs.

The students jump or step onto one of the first two discs. If a student lands on a “bad” disc, like the thin glass from Squid Games, he or she is sent to the back.

The object of the game is for the student to get all the way across without stepping on a bad disc.

How to Play

Have students line up single file, explain the rules of the game

  • Have the first student step onto a disc, making a selection of safe vs. unsafe.

    • If they pick a safe disc, they can move on to the next two discs in question

    • If they pick/step on an unsafe disc, they need to go to the back of the line

  • Encourage students to watch the person stepping, as they will be able to see which are safe and which are unsafe discs.

  • The first student to make it all the way across wins!


Instead of going one at a time, allow multiple students to attempt to cross, staying in line. Students behind someone who chooses the wrong disc can then choose to “help the person up,” aka rescue them from the back of the line.

The Game Encourages

  • Participation

  • Movement, agility, and reaction          

  • Paying attention/focus

  • Communication

  • Pattern recognition

  • Awareness

Set-Up & Equipment

  • Colored discs (preferable all one color)

  • Instructor chart indicating good/bad discs (You can also place a rock or item underneath, so students know without the Instructor’s intervening

  • Students in a single file line


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