Disc Wars



Create an area appropriate to the number of students. Use the bigger cones to outline the corners of the area. Place an equal number of discs along the end lines of the area.

Create two equal teams of students.

How To Play

The aim of the game is for one team to have more discs on their end line than the other team. Play the game for a specific time limit.

Students run to the opposite end line and take ONLY one of the opponent team’s discs, then run back to their end line. Once they have placed the disc on their end line they can go back across to the oppositions end line and take another disc. They can do this as many times as they want within the games time limit.

End of the Game

At the end of a specific time limit, for example, one minute. The coach commands FREEZE. The students stop, and if they have a disc, they drop it to the ground. The coach counts up how many discs are positioned on each end line—the team with the most wins.


You can select one player per team (wear a bib/pinnie) who is called the ‘disc dropper.’ Their role is to tag any opposition player who has a disc in their hand. The opponent then must then drop the disc and get another one.

The disc on the floor can be picked up by the disc dropper and put into their team’s end line once again.

The Game Encourages

  • Physical activity

  • Team work

  • Friendly competition

Set-Up & Equipment

  • Cones

  • Discs

  • Minimum of 10 students


Knight Dodgeball


Freeze Tag 2.0