Feed The Monsters


Use the basketball court. Place hula hoops or spots around the court.

Monsters: Some students stand inside the hoops or on spots.
Feeders: The other students have a basketball.

Rotate the Monsters & Feeders.

How to Play

The students with a basketball dribble around the area. The monsters CANNOT leave the hoops.

The students with the basketballs dribble up to the monsters. They make a bounce or chest pass to the monster (Feeding the Monster).

The monster passes the ball back, and the student dribbles to another monster.

The student gets one point for every monster they feed.

Development: The Instructor shouts ‘MONSTERS GO CRAZY’!!!

When this happens, the monsters in the hoops are allowed to take one foot out of the hoops and try to knock the basketballs out of the student’s hands. The students with the basketballs attempt to dribble around the crazy monsters for 30 seconds or less.


If you have young children you can ask them to roll the ball to the monsters.

Instructor shouts ‘Monsters Switch’ - The monsters run to different hoops and switch with other monsters.

The Game Encourages

  • Participation & Dribbling Basketball

  • Physical activity

  • Movement, agility, and reaction        

  • Throwing & Catching

Set-Up & Equipment

  • Basketballs

  • Hoops


Pirates (Basketball/Soccer)


Basketball Red Light, Green Light!