Compliance Training

At Active Education, we prioritize a culture of integrity, responsibility, and ethical conduct. This training aims to equip all our employees with essential knowledge and best practices to ensure we comply with laws, regulations, and internal policies that govern our industry.

As a responsible organization, it is crucial for each team member to understand the significance of compliance in fostering trust with our customers, partners, and the broader community. Throughout this interactive training, we will explore key compliance areas, and practical strategies to make informed decisions that align with our core values. Let's embark on this journey together to strengthen our commitment to excellence and maintain the highest standards of professional conduct.

What you need to do:

  1. Watch video #1 (Take Notes)

  2. Watch video #2 (Take Notes)

  3. Complete the Training Quiz

  4. Read Basic First Aid Information

  5. Read Restroom Information

Video 1. Compliance Training (12 minutes)

Video 2. Dealing with Challenging Children (4 minutes)

Training Quiz

Click the button below to complete a quiz relating to the information you have just seen in the videos.
Estimated completion time - 10 minutes.

Basic First Aid Information

Having a fundamental understanding of first aid is crucial. It empowers you with confidence and better preparation to handle any unforeseen situations that might arise on the playground.

The probability of needing to provide first aid during your program is very low, as our preference is for you to report any student accidents to a school official. Nevertheless, we highly advise familiarizing yourself with this information and taking notes for future reference.

This compilation of basic first-aid tips originates from the University Training Center in Irvine, CA.

Most Frequent Reasons for Doing First Aid: 

  • Accidents and Injuries Seizures 

  • Diabetic Reactions 

Non-Emergency Wounds: 

  • Clean the surface with warm water and soap. 

  • Do not squeeze the wound to cause bleeding. 

  • Cover the wound with a sterile dressing from First Aid Kit. 

  • Refer the victim to a medical professional for follow-up care. 

  • Watch for signs of infection: Redness, swelling, pain, discharge, elevated temperature. Do not remove impaled objects (except bee stingers and wasp stingers). 

  • Apply pressure to the wound.

External Bleeding: 

  • Bloody Nose: Pinch nose at the distal cartilage area. 

  • In a sitting position, lean your head forward for up to 10 minutes. 

  • Do not place anything inside of the nose! 

  • Flush all open burns with running water for 15-20 minutes. 

  • No lotions or creams for any burns without consulting with a physician first. 

Bones, Joints, Head, and Neck Injuries: 

  • Keep the victim still until professional medical help arrives. 

  • Do not splint an injured arm/Ieg unless you must move the victim. 

  • Do not move the victim unless he is in danger in the location where he is. 


  • Do not try to stop a seizure. 

  • Do not place something in the mouth of someone having a seizure. 

  • Protect the victim from further injury. 

  • Notify a medical professional when a seizure has occurred. 


  • Do not give insulin unless trained to do so. 

  • Give liquid sugar (fruit juice mixed with packaged sugar). 

  • Call 911 if the victim does not recover within 5 minutes following sugar ingestion. 


  • Ingestion - Call POISON CONTROL (800) 876-4766. Only do as advised! 

  • Absorption - Wash the affected skin surface with soap and water. Do not administer medications.

  • Injection - Wash the surface with soap and water. Cover with a sterile dressing. Place·wound lower than the level of the heart. Observe for signs of infection or allergic reaction. Keep the victim still until professional medical help arrives. 

  • Ingestion of illegal drugs: Call 911 


  • Use an inhaler if the student has one.

Head injury:

  • Hit in the head and/or face with a ball, running into students/pole, fall and hit head.

    (Anything above the head). If a student loses consciousness: CALL 911


  • All high falls-off of play equipment - Don't move the student.

  • If students say they can't move, don't move them.

  • Call for the school nurse to assess.

Important Restroom Information

Adherence to School Bathroom Regulations

Please adhere to the school's stringent bathroom regulations. Usage of student restrooms is strictly prohibited. All staff members MUST exclusively utilize the designated staff restrooms.