Complaint Procedure

At Active Education, we are committed to providing a positive and enriching experience for all participants in our programs. We value your feedback and take any concerns or complaints seriously. If you have a complaint or issue that you would like to address, please follow our written complaint procedure outlined below:

Step 1: Informal Resolution

We encourage you to first attempt to resolve your concern or complaint informally. Here's how:

  1. Contact the Area Manager/Lead Instructor: Reach out to the program coordinator directly. They are available to discuss your concern and work towards a resolution. You can do this through a phone call, email, or in-person meeting.

  2. Explain Your Concern: Clearly and concisely explain the nature of your complaint, providing relevant details, dates, and any individuals involved. Be sure to express your desired outcome or resolution.

  3. Allow Time for Resolution: Give the Area Manager/Lead Instructor reasonable time to investigate and address your concern. They will work to find a suitable solution and keep you informed of their progress.

Step 2: Formal Complaint

If your concern is not resolved to your satisfaction through the informal process, you may proceed with a formal complaint:

  1. Submit a Written Complaint: Prepare a written complaint detailing your concern, the steps you've taken, and any supporting documentation. Address the complaint to the Area Manager/Lead Instructor.

  2. Include Contact Information: Ensure your written complaint includes your full name, contact information, and preferred method of communication.

  3. Submit the Complaint: Send your written complaint to the Area Manager/Operations Manager via email or physical mail. You can find the contact details on our official website or program materials.

Step 3: Investigation and Resolution

Upon receipt of your formal complaint, the Operations Manager/Area Manager will initiate an investigation and follow these steps:

  1. Acknowledgment: You will receive an acknowledgment of your complaint within [7] business days, confirming that it is being investigated.

  2. Investigation: The Operations Manager/Area Manager will thoroughly investigate the complaint, which may involve reviewing relevant records, speaking with involved parties, and gathering additional information.

  3. Resolution: Once the investigation is complete, the Operations Manager/Area Manager will provide you with a written response outlining the findings and any actions taken or proposed resolutions. This response will be provided within [14] business days of the acknowledgment.

Step 4: Appeal Process

If you are dissatisfied with the resolution the Operations Manager/Area Manager provided, you have the right to appeal the decision. Here's how:

  1. Submit an Appeal: Write a formal appeal letter outlining the reasons for your dissatisfaction with the resolution. Address the appeal to the attention of the CEO.

  2. Appeal Review: The CEO will review your appeal and all relevant documentation and correspondence.

  3. Final Decision: The CEO will provide you with a final written decision regarding your appeal within [14] business days.

Please note that our goal is to address and resolve complaints as promptly and fairly as possible. We appreciate your feedback and are dedicated to continuously improving our programs and services.

If you have any questions about the complaint procedure or need assistance in submitting a complaint, please don't hesitate to contact our team at

Thank you for choosing Active Education, and we value your partnership in creating a positive and engaging learning experience for all participants.