Tag Tag Tag


Establish boundaries; a relatively sized area so that constant motion is encouraged.

Before you start, demonstrate safe tagging:

  • Light touch, like butterfly wings, on the shoulder.

  • Unsafe tags: hard contact that might cause the person being tagged to fall.

Review the boundaries and the consequence of going outside them. Students must perform ten jumping jacks to get back in the game.

How to Play

The object is for students to tag and keep a running count of everyone they touch within a time limit from one to three minutes. No one is “it,” and no one stops playing or “freezes” when tagged.

At the end of the allocated time. Ask the students - Hands-up who tagged more than five times, hands-up who tagged more than ten times, hands-up who tagged more than fifteen times.

This way, everyone can feel like they have done well.

Ultimate Tag Tag Tag

  • Every student is ‘IT’.

  • If a student is tagged, they stand outside the area.

  • If students tag each other at the same time, they play ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS to see who wins.

  • The winner is the last student left.


Students who are outside the designated area can re-enter by tagging one of the students still inside the area. When this occurs, the tagged students must switch places with those who tagged them.


  • You can change the amount of time that the students play and the location of the boundaries.

  • If a student is tagged, it counts against her/his score.

The Game Encourages

  • Participation

  • Physical Activity

  • Movement, agility and reaction

  • Honesty

Set-Up & Equipment

  • 8+ students

  • Domes & Cones


Relay Races #1


Ball Tag