Stuck In The Mud

How To Play

Choose which student(s) start as the taggers. All the other players scatter around.

The taggers try and get as many students as they can in an allotted time. When tagged, a player must freeze and stand with his legs and arms apart.

The only way to be freed is for a non-tagged player to crawl through the tagged player’s legs, or tapped on the shoulders. Students are safe while crawling under their legs and cannot be tagged when in that position.

The game ends when all players have been tagged and are 'stuck in the mud'.

Stuck In The Mud Encourages

  • Physical movement

  • Balance

  • Friendly competition

  • Teamwork

Set-Up & Equipment

  • Field 20 x 20 yards (minimum)

  • Minimum of 4 students

  • 12 small cones to mark out the field

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Wall Ball