Steal The Bacon

How To Play

Create two teams, then give each student a number.

  • At the coach’s command, shout a number out.

  • The student with that number runs to the middle of the area as quickly as possible to ‘Steal The Bacon’ located in the center.

  • The student who picks up the ‘Bacon’ then attempts to get back to his team’s side before getting tagged.

  • If they get back to their team side with the ‘Bacon’, they receive 3 points.

  • If the student with the ‘Bacon’ is tagged before getting back to his team’s side then his team receives 1 point.

Steal The Bacon Encourages

  • Following rules

  • Paying attention

  • Running

  • Playing safely

Set-Up & Equipment

  • Use the cones to set up an area

  • Use an object like a ball or bib to be the ‘Bacon’


Goodies & Baddies


Crazy Tag