Raid The Castle
Set up an area. Place four hoops around the corners of the area, with one in the middle. Create four teams. Then number each student within each team. Select two or three students to be the 'KNIGHTS OF THE CASTLE' who attempt to protect the castle's treasure.
Place bean bags, pinnies, or any other objects you want inside of the ‘CASTLE’ middle hoop.
How to Play
The ‘KNIGHTS’ protect the castle, while the four teams try to ‘RAID’ the castle and take the treasure back to their castle/base.
The four teams are the ‘RAIDERS’ and must go in number order, e.g., student numbered one first, then student numbered two next, etc. Each Raider can on take ONE PIECE of treasure each go.
If a Knight tags one of the Raiders, then the Raider must go back to their castle/base with no treasure and tag the next player.
Once all the treasure is gone from the center castle, the team with the most treasure at their castle/base wins.
Once all the treasure is gone from the castle, you can allow the Raiders to raid other team castles/bases for treasure. Remember, only one student can go at one time.
If a raider tags them while holding the treasure, they battle by doing Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who keeps the treasure. If both players have a piece of treasure and tag each other, they play Rock, Paper, Scissors, and whoever wins gets both pieces of treasure.
The Knights can win treasure back by tagging the Raiders and winning Rock, Paper, Scissors.
Play for a certain time limit, then the team with the most treasure wins!
The Game Encourages
Physical Activity
Fun, Friendly Competition
Balance, Movement & Quick Reflexes
Set-Up & Equipment
10+ students
Cones, Domes
Bean bags or other items to be the treasure