Pokemon Go


Organize a large rectangular play area with clear boundaries and enough room for children to run. Select 5-10 students who will be the Pokemon Trainers. These players can be identified by wearing colored pennies.

Demonstrate safe tagging with a soft dodgeball:

  • The ball must be thrown at players below the waist

  • Students must use appropriate force when throwing the ball

Demonstrate under and over-arm throwing techniques. When students get hit by the ball below the chest/waist, they go to the PokeStop (area at the side of the square). If they accidentally get hit above the neck, they are still in, and the thrower must go to the PokeStop for 30 seconds.

Review the boundaries, the PokeStop, and the consequence of going outside them (you automatically go into PokeStop).

How to Play

The students identified as Pokemon Trainers must try to throw their Pokeball and hit as many students as possible below the neck. The Pokemon Trainers can run with the ball in their hand.

The other students are the Pokemon.

The Pokemon Trainers are trying to catch the Pokemon.

If a Pokemon gets hit with the ball, they must go over to the PokeStop and do five jumping jacks to be freed.

If the ball goes outside the area, a ball tagger can go to retrieve it.

The game finishes after a designated time has elapsed.

Rotate the Pokemon Trainers, and start a new game.


  • The Pokemon are stuck in the PokeStop and cannot come out. You can play until ALL the Pokemon are caught.

  • Rotate the Pokemon Trainers quicker by playing until a ball has hit five/ten students.

  • For the younger grades, if they get hit by the ball, you can have them do jumping jacks where they are hit and not use a PokeStop.

  • Change the method of being freed in the PokeStop. Use jumping jacks or push-ups or star jumps or even a time limit.

The Game Encourages

  • Participation

  • Physical activity

  • Movement, agility, and reaction        

  • Group activity

Set-Up & Equipment

  • x8/10 Cones

  • x6 Soft dodgeballs

  • Bibs or pennies




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